Take advantage of the opportunity to cover all your financial needs with one credit line. Reduce the costs of applying for multiple financial products and take advantage of the combined offer!
Multipurpose line conditions
- Line amount: According to the client's needs and creditworthiness
- Currency of the line: The line is in dinars, without a currency clause or with a currency clause in euros or in a foreign currency (EUR, USD, CHF, RUB)
- Type of interest rate: fixed or variable
- Interest calculation: Depending on the type of placement, and in accordance with the contract. The amount of the interest rate depends on the type of investment contracted within the line.
- Fees: Fees are calculated and charged in accordance with the Bank's tariff, namely:
- in advance, one time
- quarterly, in advance and on the last day of the current quarter for the next quarter
- Security instruments: Depending on the client's creditworthiness, the requested security instruments can be: Promissory notes, Joint debtors, Mortgage, Deposit, Pledge, Pledge on receivables, Guarantees, Other type of security.