Term your funds for a period of 12 months under special conditions.

Term savings

Term period 12 months 12 months
Deposit currency RSD EUR
Amount (minimum RSD 10,000) 1,000,000 10,000
NIR (annually) fixed 5.50% 3.00%
EIR (on an annual basis) 5.50% 2.55%
Indexing criteria Does not have Does not have
Tax 0.00 45.00
Total savings at maturity with accrued interest 1,055,000.00 10,255

Special offer in case you want to repay your funds for 12 months with the option of terminating the term before maturity without losing the agreed interest rate:

Term savings

Term period 12 months 12 months
Deposit currency RSD EUR
Amount (minimum RSD 10,000) 1,000,000 10,000
NIR (annually) fixed 5.00% 2.50%
EIR (on an annual basis) 5.00% 2.12%
Indexing criteria Does not have Does not have
Tax 0.00 37.50
Total savings at maturity with accrued interest 1,050,000.00 10,212.50
The offer is valid from 05.12.2022.

The bank participates in the mandatory deposit insurance system established in the Republic of Serbia. See more detailed information at www.aod.rs

If you need additional information, please contact us at 0800 330300 (calls are free from landlines), 011 3306 300 or visit us at Adriatic Bank a.d. Belgrade branches.

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Call center

Kontakt centar  Adriatic banka

0800 330 300
011 3306 300


Dalmatinska 22

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